It is a gripping portrayal of the popular myths around Shiva and delves into several lesser known myths and legends around him. The show is an enigmatic portrayal of the lord of the universe – Shiva. The series explores the captivating tale of Shiva’s life, his infinite love for Sati, his grief over her loss, his timeless union with Parvati and his legend as the fearsome destroyer of evil. From 20 August 2018, it will telecast Monday To Sunday at 5:30 P.M. Of course, you’re best off if you are a real devotee of. Of episodes 45 Production Producer(s) Surinder Singh Production location(s) Cinematography Paritosh Singh Running time 22 minutes Production company(s) Release Original network Picture format Original release J( ) – present Om Namah Shivay is a Mythological Bengali TV show that launched on Jand airs on STAR Jalsha. Answer (1 of 4): Chanting om nahah Shivaya eliminates all problems resulting from all karma, including the malefic of the grahas, the evil eye, black magick, and anything else that may worry a human.
The show that featured Samar Jai Singh as Shiva, Yashodhan Rana as Kama/Shiva. Title Poster Genre Created by Written by Sayantani Bhattacharya Rupa Banerjee Priyanka Seth Directed by Soumik Chatterjee Starring Voices of Upali and Amit Opening theme Om Namah Shivay by Composer(s) Country of origin Original language(s) No. Mythological show Om Namah Shivay, which originally aired from 1997 to 1999, will make a comeback from June 18.